A craftsman needs a good workshop in order to design, make, experiment and develop. After being a "man in a shed" for many years I am fortunate now to have a lovely space to work in at the Devon Applied Arts Workshop. So here I will give a whistle stop tour of the facilities.
Glass racks. I am fortunate to have a large stock of a wide variety of glass so students can normally find the glass to match their ideas.
Kilns. I have both Gas and electric kilns which can be used in various ways to fire paint and fuse glass. I am particularly proud of my two Dutch Hoaf Kilns which fire up to 700C disturbingly quickly (45mins from putting in until taking out).
Laying out tables. I have a range of benches for working on at different heights and for different size projects.
Grinders. These diamond head water fed grinders are used to fine tune the glass after cutting and before putting the glass piece together with Lead came or copper foil
Soldering irons. For melting the solder we use to join all the lead or copper together.
Light boxes and painting equipment. Sooo many brushes that you need for glass painting on the light box, of all different shapes and types of bristle.
Glass cutting and leading tools